Missions and Outreach

In Matthew 28, Jesus commanded His disciples to “go into all the world and preach the gospel.” This commandment, known as the Great Commission, still applies to us as His disciples today. Sometimes, the “world” is another country, marked with different faces, languages, and cultures, and sometimes “the world” is just across the street. Regardless, our church is committed to reaching out and helping people of all ages, races, and cultures embark on a meaningful relationship with Jesus Christ.

Alpha Course

  • The Alpha course introduces the basics of the Christian faith through a series of talks and judgement-free discussions. It is an opportunity for religious and non-religious people alike to ask questions and explore the meaning of life. Stay tuned for our next scheduled class.
  • More information can be found at alphausa.org.

LINK of Hampton Roads

  • Through PORT Winter Shelter Program, during the winter months (December – April) members of Christ UMC register, cook and serve the evening and breakfast meals, and assist the many homeless in our area by providing a warm place for them to sleep. Our church has committed to serving at the event twice each season, and it has proven to a tremendous blessing, not only to those who receive the services, but to our own volunteers as well.
  • More information can be found at http://www.linkhr.org/2012/PORT.html.

Mobile Food Bank

  • Through Operation Feed the Hungry, Christ UMC has joined together with other local churches and the Peninsula Food Bank to provide a monthly food distribution program at a local elementary school. This beneficial program serves up to 100 families by providing one to four bags of healthy groceries. Volunteers assist in distribution and helping families to select, pack, and carry the food to their cars.
  • More information can be found at http://www.hrfoodbank.org/.

Peninsula Rescue Mission

  • For many years, our church has prepared soup for the soup kitchen at the Rescue Mission. Because of an influx of others helping in this activity, we are working with the Rescue Mission to develop new ways we can support this valuable mission for the homeless and addicted.
  • More information can be found at http://www.prm.info/.

Red Bird Mission

  • In Fall 2014, several members of our church travelled to the Red Bird Mission in Beverly, Kentucky. During this week-long mission project, the mission was revitalized to better meet the spiritual and physical needs of the surrounding community. We continue to support this mission, and we are planning another mission trip in the future.
  • More information about this mission can be found at rbmission.org.

THRIVE Peninsula

  • Our church is proud to support the ministries of THRIVE, which is a local organization that helps people struggling with financial hardship. Through a food bank, counselling, and classes, THRIVE works with individuals and families and empowers them to get back on their feet.
  • In Fall 2015, our church devoted 8 weeks to sponsoring a food drive for the THRIVE food pantry. By far, this was the most significant outreach project to date, as we collected and donated over 2,500 pounds of food to their food pantry, and we look forward to continuing our relationship with this worthy organization in the future.
  • More information can be found at thrivepeninsula.org.

Youth Challenge

  • Youth Challenge of Hampton Roads is an organization that is dedicated to the restoration of lives and families that have been devastated by drug addition and alcoholism by providing them with the structure and life skills needed to become the person God created them to be.
  • We host the Youth Challenge Choir twice a year, and they bless our services with not only their musical voices but also their stories of transformation. We support their efforts through our love offerings, other financial assistance, and by feeding the Youth Challenge community at these events.
  • More information can be found at http://www.youthchallengehope.org.

If you would like more information about our missions and outreach opportunities, please contact our office at office@christumcnn.org.

Come Worship!

Christ UMC is located in midtown Newport News between J. Clyde Morris Blvd and Oyster Point Rd. We're just a few minutes from Christopher Newport University.

133 Deep Creek Rd.
Newport News,VA 23606

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